A. M. Catarino

An Unusual Wedding Proposal

1921 Porto

Letter dated 18 March 1921, found in the personal collection of former President of the Republic José Mendes Cabeçadas, after his death in 1965.

Captain José Mendes Cabeçadas,

I write to you with the secrecy that our status as members of Freemasonry demands, with the resulting obligations and duties of the Purity Lodge towards the Portuguese Republic.

Two days ago, I left the trenches for a short leave in Lisbon with my family. To shorten the journey, I dared to cross, as discreetly as possible, territory under monarchist control. As I passed a village, the name of which I never learnt, I witnessed a scene that I think I should share with you. Several people were chattering happily in the street, in front of two houses, in what seemed to be a chance meeting between two families. A young woman of rare beauty seemed to monopolise all the attention. Being curious, I hid among the vegetation and took a closer look. Then I heard the hooves of a horse, which came round the corner. A handsome rider approached the young woman. After a quick glance, in which he realised that all his family, as well as the gentle maiden’s, were present, he dismounted from his horse, knelt and showed a ring in a small box. “Hurrahs” and cheers were heard from all sides, celebrating the beautiful girl’s “Yes”.

A perfectly idyllic and enchanting setting, if it didn’t take place within the walls of a cemetery and if all the participants weren’t dead (including the steed). I know that these were two families, because the houses I told you about were nothing more than tombs. The dead wore the colours of the monarchy, so I’m sure their rising from the grave was the result of some execrable experiment by the scientists of the Northern Monarchy.

Before I return to the trenches, I’ll leave it to you to report on this gruesome discovery so that it can be brought to the attention of the relevant authorities without causing unnecessary alarm. I apologise for burdening you with this horrible news. I’m sure that, having read these lines, you’ll feel as upset as I did while I drove away as quickly as possible from that nightmare scenario. What will become of the Republican soldiers if the dead rise to take up arms against the South?

Yours sincerely,

Lieutenant Emanuel Gorjão

@A. M. Catarino
Inspired by real events or people



«Vinum Liminis Mortis», Pedro Lucas Martins (Vinum Liminis Mortis – HYP)

