Inês Montenegro

Anthem of the Northern Monarchy

1920, 1921, 1922 Porto

Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

Ensure the wine doesn’t run out in the casks


And in our vineyards may we find the redemption

Of those who don’t have in the Monarchy a nation


And let our souls grow stronger

I swear and I will swear this cause to the death!

When I die, I don’t want crying or screaming

I want by my side a five-litre jug!

Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

Bring this nation’s blessing in your hand


Up through the Douro, guard our vineyards

May grapes sprout to cheer our lovely souls


And let our souls grow stronger

I swear and I will swear this cause to the death!

When I die, I don’t want crying or screaming

I want by my side a five-litre jug!

And up it goes! And down! And to the centre!

And for the North, may there always be good yeast!

The origin of this Anthem is unknown, and it was lost for several years. The only known fact is that it was written by a woman, thanks to the Open Letter from Engineer António Forte and its Response. Decades later, an adulterated version became popular at academic dinners and was eventually set to music in 2014 by a renowned popular music singer.

Inspired by real events or people

«Carta Aberta do Engenheiro António Forte, publicada na Real Gazeta Invicta, no dia 7 de outubro de 1920», Júlia Durand

«Uma Resposta: Carta Aberta ao Engenheiro António Forte, publicada na Real Gazeta Invicta, no dia 10 de outubro de 1920», Júlia Durand

Música de origem popular «Imaculada Senhora dos Pastéis», cantada com frequência em jantares juvenis e/ou académicos, e musicada em 2014 por Quim Barreiros, com o título «Imaculada».

