João Ventura

Memento Homo: Obituary of Joaquim Silva

1919 Porto

News acquired by the Department’s intelligence and espionage services.

In Gazeta das Caldas

Our fellow countryman Joaquim Silva, who died in combat in defence of the Republic, was buried yesterday. He’s outlived by his wife and two young children. The family decided for a civil funeral.

Joaquim Silva was one of the first Caldas’ citizens to sign up as a volunteer to fight the monarchist rebellion. A glass worker who was present in all the struggles to improve workers’ conditions, his knowledge and availability had earned him the esteem of his comrades and the respect of his bosses.

The urn, covered by the national flag, was carried by members of the Glass Industry Union and of the Caldas Mutual Aid Association, both organisations where he was a board member. The eulogy was delivered by one of his comrades. There were tears on the cheeks of many of those present.

The Union has launched a fundraiser aimed at alleviating his widow’s difficulties.

Gazeta das Caldas extends its deepest condolences to the bereaved family.

@ChrisCurry (

Baseado no Universo Winepunk. /Inspired by the Winepunk Universe.

