News from the Academic Battalion
News acquired by the Department’s intelligence and espionage services.
In Diário de Notícias
(From our Coimbra correspondent)
A glittering ceremony of the Oath of the Flag and the handing over of berets and scarves to the cadets of the Academic Battalion who have finished their training took place yesterday at the University’s Hall.
The ceremony opened with a government representative reading a message from the President of the Ministry. It was followed by the oath, taken in unison by the Academic Battalion. Lastly, the Civil Governor presented each of the cadets with a green beret and a red scarf (the colours of the Republic), after which they were congratulated by the Rector of the University.
The event was attended by many people, both from the city and the surrounding fields, who filled the vast enclosure.
To end the ceremony, ‘A Portuguesa’ was sung with great enthusiasm by all those present. After the anthem, three cheers for the Republic were shouted.
As the crowd dispersed, the cadets were greeted by family and friends, who had travelled to attend the ceremony.
