Obituary of Ana Raquel da Cunha Areal
It is announced that Miss Ana Raquel da Cunha Areal has passed away, beloved sister, beloved daughter, beloved granddaughter, loved by all from a young age, sweet as Spring, the season in which she was born, and in which her ascent to Heaven began , where she is like the angel she always was. The pain came from the discouragement of witnessing the grief of her beloved sister, who lost her fiancé in this cowardly War that the Infamous Republic leads against our just and legitimate Sovereign. The sister, a mirror of her face and her soul, born on the same day and who now suffers doubly, declared: “Because my heart could not bear all the pain, my sister shared with me what was tearing me apart in anguish, as if my love was also hers. No one could ever do more than she did, she clasped her hands in mine, cutting herself on the paper of the letter of terrible news and bled in my place, easing the pain.” From that day on, Miss Ana Raquel never got up again, crying every day at the time when the terrible news of the handsome young man’s death had arrived. Finally, her heart extinguished, and she left in a letter to his sister: “I die, so that you may live. Love again, the dead don’t kiss.” Her body will be laid to rest today at the Carmelite Church and will be buried tomorrow at the Agroamonte Cemetery.

Baseado no Universo Winepunk. /Inspired by the Winepunk Universe.
Real Gazeta Invicta (publicada em 2013 pela Invicta Imaginaria para o Fórum Fantástico 2013)