João Ventura

‘The New Weapons of Our Cause’

1920 Porto

News published on 20 January 1920 in Notícias Reais.

It was a bright dawn, and many people had gathered in the square in front of the Royal Armoury since the early morning. The members of the Kingdom’s Governing Council arrived in three military vehicles and took their seats in the tribune on one side of the square.

At 10 a.m., the bells of all the churches in Oporto rang festively, as the Workshops’ gate opened, and six mechas, decorated with blue and white ribbons, came out one after the other. The terrifying machines advanced, walking on their six articulated legs, and came to a halt next to the tribune. The Archbishop of Braga, duly vested, accompanied by the sacristan, who carried the cauldron, dipped the hyssop into the holy water and sprinkled the six machines, one by one, while making the sign of the cross.

From the top of the tribune, the President of the Kingdom’s Governing Council gave a short speech:

‘People of Oporto, you have just seen the new weapons that will defend our Cause, now consecrated with divine blessing and ready to go into action. It won’t be long before we regain control of Portugal, which has been with us since Afonso Henriques, defeating the Republicans and re-establishing our centuries-old traditions. Long live the King!’

And the people gathered in the square repeated several times, with enthusiasm: ‘Long live the King!’

«Dunedin, Prince of Wales, Royal Tour 1920», from Archives New Zealand; Reference: ACGO 8363 IA31 Box 1/1 (

Baseado no Universo Winepunk. /Inspired by the Winepunk Universe.

